What does it mean to have a flexible schedule at work?  Can a law firm still be profitable and offer flexible schedules to its employees?  It can.  We do it here at Schantz Law.  It means that attorney Annalise Lang can work from home several days a week around the schedule of her young children.  It means that legal assistant Damarise Davis often has three children in the break room in the afternoon doing their homework and waiting for soccer practice to start.In fact, each member of Schantz Law works a flexible schedule in some way.  Julie Viner takes off Monday’s so that she can volunteer in her children’s school.  But, the important thing is that rather than making it harder to be productive and to work hard for our clients, it actually makes it easier.

Because Families Matter.  Our families and our client’s families.  Having a work life balance makes us happier and more productive!  We believe in each other and each of us rises up to make sure our work gets done because we care about the families we serve.

Flexible Work Life
Flexible Work Life